A sustainable business

Vyrk focuses on the environment and environmentally friendly products, so that you as the end user will feel confident that the environmental aspect is taken into account. We have started our journey towards climate neutrality, and want to inspire more people to take part in the green shift.

19 784 kg Co2 bound this week

360 689 kg Co2 bound total in 2025

Our path to a greener business

Vyrk is a future-oriented company that offers sustainable products in a construction industry with great environmental responsibilty.

The wood-industry has a big bonus compared to other building materials.

This makes solid wood the most environmentally friendly building material we have in Norway today.

  • Wood is a raw material, a renewable resource that is part og the natural cycle.  

  • All living forest binds carbon – but so do processed wood.

  • By extending the life of the tree, the amount of bound carbon will increase. 

Vyrk and Sustainability

Vyrk distributes wood as a building material and has chosen to calculate the value of the company’s carbon stock. How much carbon is bound in all wood that is run through our production here at Vyrk?

This will tell us about the benefits of wood as a building material rather than, for example, steel or concrete. We get a clear picture of our own production that can help us increase carbon productivity and create more value with less effort of CO2 – which is our goal. If you as a customer use materials that are part of the natural Co2 cycle, it will have a positive effect on the climate in the long run.


Vyrk is also certified as an Eco-Lighthouse Company. Eco-Lighthouse is a recognized and effective tool that helps us create competitive advantage in sustainability. With targeted efforts, it will yield results, but also help to draw more of the various construction industries into the green direction.

Both customers, employees and the authorities increasingly expect companies to take responsibility for sustainability. Buying products from environmentally certified companies is a concrete measure – everyone can contribute.

As an Eco-Lighthouse company, it is easy to document the company’s environmental work. Both waste management, energy consumption, purchasing and transport can be easily and systematically documented.

soverom - illustrasjon

The road ahead to a greener business

It is climate-smart and future-oriented to use raw materials based on green carbon. By making our employees and the company as a whole aware, we want to inspire more people to take part in the green shift.

In addition to the eco-lighthouse certification, and its own awareness of carbon storage, Vyrk is also now working to be able to introduce a new and improved version of the Trysil panel. This is a type of panel that is attached to the wall with clips and rails. If you ensure a long service life for the products, you also get a better effect from the carbon storage.

Real social responsibility is about what one does beyond what is required by law.

What makes carbon storage so important?

The government’s main goal is for Norway to become carbon neutral by 2030. This will present major challenges in many sectors of society, but for the wood industry it opens up new opportunities. Active forest and wood use is one of several measures that can contribute a lot to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the future. The wood industry is a clean and efficient industry with low greenhouse gas emissions and little negative effect on the environment. One of the big bonuses is carbon sequestration. Carbon is one of the “building blocks” of wood. The formation of wood takes place through photosynthesis by the trees using Co2 from the atmosphere, and binding the carbon in the wood itself. The carbon is then stored in the wood product until it is released through natural decomposition or combustion. Processed pine binds, for example, 490 kg Co2 per cubic. But living trees in the forest also have a CO2 bond. What does it help to use wood as a building material?

When trees are felled when they are mature, this binding is extended in the tree. The carbon is stored in the wood until it is released through decomposition or combustion. Storing carbon in wooden buildings is thus better than the tree dying at the root. If it dies at the root, most of the carbon in the wood will find its way back to the atmosphere in the form of Co2. This achieves the greatest savings in CO2 emissions by first using mature forest for wood in various wood productions, which can later be recycled, and then used for biogenic fuel on the day it ends its life cycle. During the processing of timber, much of the wood is “wasted” by cutting and planing. This will be sawn timber, as well as bark, shavings and other by-products used in energy production. This presupposes that the forest comes from sustainable forestry with documented certification, and one can be sure that all parts of the tree will be used.

Vyrk and UN’s sustainable development goals

The forest is the most important tool we have in this fight against climate change, and has a major impact on the climate and is an important carbon store. We at Vyrk are lucky to be a company that is based on such renewable, short-traveled and Norwegian raw materials. We are nevertheless aware of what we can contribute, but it is just as important to find such solutions that pull the industry together towards the most sustainable business development possible. New innovative solutions must be developed in order to optimize, and to help contribute towards the UN’s sustainability goals, and something we at Vyrk work on specifically every single day.



#8 Decent work and economic growth

– Promote sustainable economic growth and more employment in the municipalities
-We are Eco-Lighthouse certified
– Focused on HSE and well developed routines and safety systems
– We work for a diverse working environment, welcoming trainees and by being a part of Trainee Innlandet
– Vyrk must be a workplace that treats everyone equally

#9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure

– Established own company aiming for circular innovation – read more here
– Sustainability panel developed with its own recycling system
– Development of a multi-purpose terminal at Sørli for return of wood and circular product flows
– Actively working with innovation projects to create Norwegian raw material producers, and use short-traveled raw materials
– Increase Norwegian value creation through research and innovation

#12 Responsible consumption and production

– Our own carbon accounting for all productions
– Utilization and recycling of our resources
– Waste management and waste reduction
– Prepares LCA analysis on our products
– Converting into a circular business model

#13 Climate action

– Uses PEFC/FSC approved wood
– Aims to not to cut down more forest than necessary, and rather use the resources we already have
– Wants to get more square meters of wall from every cubic meter of felled forest
– Runs a pilot project on reusable covers instead of plastic packaging