We have delivered østerdalspanel in the color Skigard and strukturbørstet panel in the color Spåtind, to this beautiful cabin from Eikås.
Cabin at Hestekampen
Guro2020-02-26T13:12:10+01:00To this beautiful cabin we have delivered panel for walls, ceilings and moldings in the color, Skaget.
Apartment on Beitostølen
Guro2020-02-24T14:29:37+01:00We have delivered our panel in the color Irene Spesial to this beautiful apartment on Aasgarden by Norske Fjellhytter.
Eikås-cabin in Trysil
Guro2020-02-17T09:46:04+01:00Beautiful Eikås-cabin in Trysil where we have delivered panel and moldings in Mørk Valdresgrå.
Cabin stained with Bitihorn
Guro2020-02-11T09:09:16+01:00We have delivered stained panel in the color Bitihorn, exterior cladding and flooring to this beautiful cabin.
Apartment in Aasgarden
Guro2020-02-11T08:55:23+01:00To this beautiful apartment on Aasgarden by Norske Fjellhytter we have delivered our stained panel in the color Gråhø.
Fyrí Hotel Hemsedal
Guro2020-02-12T14:33:43+01:00Fyrí Hotell in Hemsedal has gotten delivered stained panel in different colors, moldings and oak ceiling.
Cabin on Golsfjellet
Guro2020-02-11T08:44:42+01:00Beautiful cabin from Eikås Hytter og Hus with the color Skaget on walls and ceiling.
Aasgarden Nivlheim
Guro2020-02-11T08:41:24+01:00To this apartment by Norske Fjellhytter (Aasgarden)we have delivered panel with the color Irene Spesial on walls and ceiling.
Guro2020-02-11T08:39:34+01:00We have delivered a specifically made stain color, called Riddergrå to this project on Beitostølen.