Pre-painted and stained panel
From our production area in Valdres, we industrially treat all types of panels for houses, cabins and other buildings. By having the panel already painted or stained before installation, you will be able to get a better result, and save both time and money. For the painted panel, the last coat should happen after installation, to cover the end wood and cutting surfaces.
Paint or stain?
Stained panel will show off the structure in the wood, and you can get a slightly stronger rustic expression. If you choose a transparent stain for your panel, the product is finished after installation and requires no further finishing. A transparent stain is available in all shades of color. We are among the first, when it comes to capturing the latest color trends in the market.
Our stain colors
Vyrk makes and blends all color combinations and allow you to choose between 5000 optional colors in stain and paint. We supply all of Jotun’s color combinations, but most popular is our very own, and unique stain colors.
Over time changes in color may occur, given the fact that wood is a living product. Please also note that the colors on our color palette are only indicative, and that the colors of our interior images may differ from reality.
Advantages of industrial painted or stained panel
Time and cost effective
Treatment is done under optimal conditions
Avoid shrinkage stripes and rot