VYRK – norwegian, eco-friendly wood

Vyrk has over 15 years experience in industrial treatment of panel, cladding, linear rib elements, veneered plates and moldings. In addition, we also sell high-quality oak flooring/parquet to offer you as a customer a comprehensive floor-to-ceiling solution.

From our modern production line in our factories in Trysil and Rogne, we paint and stain your walls, floors, ceilings and moldings. Everything is done under the right temperatures and optimal conditions, before mounting on the building site.


We industrially treat panel for house, cabin and other buildings. 

Rib Elements

Prefabricated linear rib elements for walls and ceiling. 

Veneered Plates

We combine the properties of the tree with the functional.


We deliver partially finished exterior cladding. 


Finished painted and stained moldings in different profiles. 


Quality oak flooring -parquet and solid wood. 

We are working towards the professional market

We deliver to the professional market, and our delivery time is among the best!

Vyrk is very competitive, with efficient production, large purchases and experiences people who have the ability to turn around quickly. In the field of industrial treatment, the internal expertise is huge.

Gunstige priser

Favorable prices

We can paint the house or cabin for the cost that the end customer has by buying stain/paint and brushes. In other words, the work must be done free of charge to come out at an equal cost.

If you want to compare/calculate the cost then feel free to contact us – we will be happy to help you!

Get help and inspiration

Feel free to visit our exhibitions and get help from our experienced advisers to choose your unique solution.